Thursday, January 6, 2011

High Places

We were lured into a church once with the promise that we could go into the dome by elevator. The view would be fantastic. So pushing myself to be brave (I simply don’t like heights) we paid rather a lot to get in. Entering the church we saw some scaffolding in the middle and a building site elevator. First I thought they were working on the roof. How stupid of me… 

This was the way we were supposed to go up. The elevator was a see through elevator. So as we got higher the hole under me started growing to immense proportions. I knew there was only this thin floor between me and this gaping depth. Coming to the platform we saw what next they had in store for us. We had to walk over this wobbly platform to a lot of stairs going up to great heights. 

I couldn’t move, let alone take pictures, let alone enjoy the view. And I really didn’t want to go any higher. Everything was moving just a little. As soon as the elevator arrived to go down again I somehow managed to get in.

And then happened what happens always when you don’t reach the top of whatever you are climbing….. I wondered if I should have gone up further. When you are down and safe you feel challenged to go up again.  

So look at these brave men: Going up with a building site elevator, without a protective church around them. Hanging just a bit over the edge of their little “comfort zone” to untie important knots in the many cables of these high cranes. The wind blows; these are the men in real high places…..   



  1. Emotions...
    I can imagine what you'll feel on a baloon over the Cataratas do Iguacú...
    Good luck, my darling!

  2. Ah, the pictures and the text are very nice. High quality, really.
