Saturday, January 22, 2011

Book markets

I Love books, I love book markets, I love second hand book stores. In my lunch hour I went often to the second hand book store nearby just to look at what was there. Mostly I would bring home some books. As I have a lot of books already, I made a rule that I wouldn’t keep the second hand books, but give them away afterwards. There are exceptions of course; I would keep the poetry.

Some years ago, when I was visiting Paris, I went to a  book market in Montreuil. When my memory is right it was in the Parc Georges Brassens. It was like a huge open air bookstore with only a roof. Being there is a memory that belongs to the larger picture: Walking through Paris, writing poems in café’s, talking, being alive.

A few years later I visited Berlin for the second time. There was the book market at the Humbold University. I was accompanied by a friend that had been starving of books the largest part of his life. So we entered there in a kind of “land of plenty”. The joy of visiting a book market is overwhelming.

Now we only went to get tickets (again) for some theater production. But finally we happened to turn up at the weekly book market in The Hague. No greater pleasure than looking at these books. It was a bit cold this time of the year. And there was nothing we really wanted. So in the end we just went to the large second hand bookshop nearby.

Getting back to the train we were happy with our new “old” books. Looking forward to read them in our warm apartment. Tonight, when I looked at the pictures I took this afternoon…. There was this picture of a man at the book market. Was he really the "poet laureate" of the Netherlands a few years ago? 

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