Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Lisbon: Anything can happen....

When you are in a same place for a longer time, you start to look away 
from the touristic highlights. There are the unexpected small things
 in the streets. Unexpected things that happen
Surprising, funny, strange...... 

A lot of people try to earn money by doing "something" like playing music,
singing, dancing, pretending to be a statue......

But then there is this pair of "lazy beggars". They have their own webside. 
Take a picture for 278 euro... (sorry, I didn't see it....). 
They even tell you how they intend to spend the money. Obviously liquid assets.

"Pelo menos sincero"..... At least straight!

Except f course for the Lazy Beggars everyone has to work. This small dog carries the plastic container to put the money in for its master. 

A giant soap bell passes over the street.....

And here is a cow sticking her head through a window. How nice he has a scarf to keep warm.

Now don't get your head in this cloud. It might be a small thundercloud according to the colour. It is made of what I would call Brillo pads; these iron scrub sponges to clean dirty pans. Already getting a bit rusty.

This bronze man has his head literally in a book. OK, it is Fernando Pessoa, the great poet. He was born here in the house of this lovely orange cow (completely inside the window).

Waiting for you in front of A Brasileira, he invites you to take the seat next to him....

You are not his first companion. The chair is extremely polished.

After some interesting discussion and a few glasses of good Portuguese wine, anything can happen.

Did I see someone flying through the air near the statue of Dom Pedro IV.......???

1 comment:

  1. You've got a great collection of interesting things to see in Lisbon streets. Most of them seem to be a result of the crisis we have in all south Europa countries. That's why some are funny pics, some are not. Don't you think so?
