Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The capital of Bolivia....

.... is Sucre. A lot of people might think it is La Paz because of the fact that the seat of the Bolivian Government (executive and legislative branches ) is in La Paz. The supreme court of Bolivia has its seat in Sucre.

Sucre was founded in 1538 as "La Plata". On august 6th, 1825 in the "Casa de la Libertad" the declaration of independence was signed by Simon Bolivar and Antonio José de Sucre. Five days later the name "La Plata" was changed to "Sucre" in honour of Antonio de Sucre. 

Casa de la Libertad.

The most impressive part of the building is the Jesuit chapel; Salón de la Independencia. 

Salón de la Independencia

Salón de la Independencia

Behind the table hang portraits of Simón Bolívar, Hugo Ballivián and Antonio José de Sucre.

Many pictures, documents and relics remember this fact and of the heroic battle that went before. 

Manuel Ascencio Padilla, hero of the war of independence.

Juana Azurduy de Padilla (the wife of Manuel Ascencio), also a war hero.

The eagle carries the declaration of independence signed by Bolivar and Sucre.

Simon Bolivar

After visiting the Casa de la Libertad a very friendly person in the Supreme court showed us around this impressive building. 

The room of the Supreme Court, with the multicolored flag that indicates the plurality of people forming the state of Bolivia.

Looking to the other side.

Lady justitia

And last.... a beautiful old library.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The art of Aleijadinho

The impressive Christ from Aleijadinhos (Congonhas, Brazil)

Aleijadinho (Antônio Francisco Lisboa; about 1730 to 1814) lived in Ouro Preto in Minas Gerais (Brazil). He was like his father an architect and sculpturer. Just at the moment when he was starting to develop his own style he was hit by a muscle disease... He couldn't hold his tools with his hands and was forced to tie these to his arms. This might have also have led to his developing a completely personal style of sculpture.
In the works of Aleijadinho there are elements of criticism on the Portuguese regime. It was the time of the French revolution.  In Ouro Preto the Inconfidentes, under the leadership of Tiradentes, organized a coup, that went horribly wrong.

The Church of São Francisco de Assis, that is considered the best architectonic work in Minas Gerais, was built by Aleijadinho. 

São Francisco de Assis - Ouro Preto

Because of the danger of theft it is in most churches in Minas absolutely forbidden to take pictures. So I have to limit myself to the works that I could take pictures of. This is why I am more or less restricted to his masterpieces at the Church Bom Jesus de Matesinhos in Congonhas. Here he also shows his critical spirit, that dressed the Roman soldiers into the boots of the Portuguese. The use of the Pelourinho for the flagellation of Jesus. The Pelourinho was a pillory for the punishment of slaves. In another station Jesus receives the crown of thorns and a sugar cane....

the Church Bom Jesus de Matesinhos of Congonhas
 At the entrance of the Church there are statues of 11 prophets.

The Church Bom Jesus de Matesinhos of Congonhas
Some of the 11 statues of the prophets....



 In front of the church down a sloping hill are 6 chapels containing scenes from the way of the cross. 
It is a pity to see that these chapels are in great need of maintenance.

The last supper

The last supper

Judas with the money....

Many expressive faces around the table.

Jesus is captured

Jesus attached to a Pillory - the Pillory (Pelourinho) is a flagellation pole that was used by the Portuguese for slaves.
Here we also see the Roman soldiers with Portuguese boots.  

The sugar cane....

Monday, March 3, 2014


During Carnival thi year the streets of São Luiz de Paraitinga are ornated with all kinds of pretty masks. Just to show some of them.... here is a selection.