Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Egypt: For a better future

The main thing these days we want to know more about is the news about Egypt. Today there is “the march of millions” on Cairo. People are gathering in the Meydan Tahrir, the square of the Egyptian museum. Peaceful people, families, expressing their wish for Mubarak to leave.
I am so happy that until now there was a minimum of violence. 

When going to Egypt some time ago, I tried to take some pictures of what I at least thought to be daily life there. There is so much beauty along the Nile: The fishermen in little boats, the women washing carpets, children herding cattle. There is so much poverty everywhere; the poverty more visible in the cities then in the countryside. People are working for a pittance, needing at least two jobs to feed their families. 

Let’s hope reforms will come now.  Let’s hope there will be less corruption and enrichment by a happy few. Let’s hope this will result in more work. Let's hope there will be a better future for the Egyptian people.

For more pictures see: Egypt 

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