This grebe is probably not aware that he (or she) is floating in this amazing reflection. And that by floating there he makes it even more complex.
When the sky is blue and there is almost no wind a water surface is an ever-changing mirror.
Especially when there are just a few ripples in the water; hopefully in a nice pattern.
Just flip over the pictures (vertically) and a colorful under water world reveals itself.
These pictures were taken in the small Dutch town of Delft (famous for it's blue and white
pottery named Delft Blue).
Terraces seem to float among the leaves of waterlilies.
Cars are parked underneath blue draperies .....
.......or in front of sketchy houses.
Reflections in winter are made even more interesting by snow and ice in the canals.
Ohhh, this "hanging tin" sure is a give away...